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Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

New episodes every weekday Monday through Friday.
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Welcome to HPR, the Community Podcast

We started producing shows as Today with a Techie on 2005-09-19, 19 years, 4 months, 22 days ago. Our shows are produced by listeners like you and can be on any topics that "are of interest to hackers". If you listen to HPR then please consider contributing one show a year. If you record your show now it could be released in 3 days.

Call for shows

We are running very low on shows at the moment. Have a look at the hosts page and if you don't see "2025-??-??" next to your name, or if your name is not listed, you might consider sending us in something.

Latest Shows

hpr4311 :: LoRaWAN and the Things Stack

Lee sets up some temperature and humidity sensors

Hosted by Lee on Monday, 2025-02-10 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
iot, lorawan. general. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:10:09
Download the transcription and subtitles.

I have set up some LoRaWAN temperature and humidity sensors, and am using the Things Stack to collect the data.

This gets processed via a web-hook and rendered as a graph.

The LoRaWAN Alliance -

Mastering LoRaWAN -

The Things Industries -

import json
import sqlite3
import logging
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer

rooms = {
    'eui-24e12*********07': 'living-room',
    'eui-24e12*********54': 'hall',
    'eui-24e12*********42': 'downstairs-office',
    'eui-24e12*********35': 'kitchen',
    'eui-24e12*********29': 'conservatory',
    'eui-24e12*********87': 'landing',
    'eui-24e12*********45': 'main-bedroom',
    'eui-24e12*********89': 'upstairs-office',
    'eui-24e12*********38': 'spare-bedroom',
    'eui-24e12*********37': 'playroom'

# Configure logging
logging.basicConfig(filename="server_log.txt", level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(message)s")

# Define the web server handler
class MyServerHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

    # Handle POST requests
    def do_POST(self):
        length = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length'))
        data ='utf-8')

            # Validate and parse JSON data
            json_data = json.loads(data)
  "Received valid JSON data: {json_data}")

            # Write the data to database
            id = json_data["end_device_ids"]["device_id"]
            room = rooms.get(id)
            readat = json_data["uplink_message"]["rx_metadata"][0]["time"]
            temp = json_data["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]["temperature"]
            hum = json_data["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]["humidity"]
            conn = sqlite3.connect('data.db')
            sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data (
                room TEXT,
                readat DATETIME,
                temp DECIMAL(4,1),
                hum DECIMAL(4,1)
            sql = "INSERT INTO data (room, readat, temp, hum) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
            conn.execute(sql, (room, readat, temp, hum))

            self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
            self.wfile.write(bytes("Data received and logged!", "utf-8"))

        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            logging.error("Invalid JSON data received.")
            self.send_response(400)  # Bad Request
            self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
            self.wfile.write(bytes("Invalid JSON format.", "utf-8"))

        except PermissionError:
            logging.error("File write permission denied.")
            self.send_response(500)  # Internal Server Error
            self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
            self.wfile.write(bytes("Server error: Unable to write data to file.", "utf-8"))

# Start the server
server_address = ('', 12345)  # Customize host and port if needed
httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, MyServerHandler)
print("Server started on http://localhost:12345")


<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="temp" style="height:50vh"></canvas>
<canvas id="hum" style="height:50vh"></canvas>

    $colors = [
        '#FF9999',  // Light red
        '#FFCC99',  // Light orange
        '#FFFF99',  // Light yellow
        '#CCFF99',  // Light lime green
        '#99FF99',  // Light green
        '#99FFCC',  // Light teal
        '#99FFFF',  // Light sky blue
        '#99CCFF',  // Light blue
        '#9999FF',  // Light violet
        '#CC99FF',  // Light lavender
        '#FF99FF',  // Light pink
        '#FFCCFF', // Light rose
        '#FFD5D5',  // Light salmon
        '#FFDDAA',  // Light peach
        '#FFE0E0',  // Light beige
        '#FFF0F0' // Light ivory

    $results = [
        'living-room' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []
        'hall' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []
        'downstairs-office' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []
        'kitchen' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []
        'conservatory' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []
        'landing' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []
        'main-bedroom' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []
        'upstairs-office' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []
        'spare-bedroom' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []
        'playroom' => [
            'temperature' => [],
            'humidity' => []

    $labels = [];

    $db = new SQLite3('data.db');
        $sql = "SELECT room, readat, temp, hum FROM data";
        $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
        $result = $stmt->execute();

        while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
                $where = $row['room'];

                                $tz = 'Europe/London';
                                $dt = new DateTime($row['readat']);
                                $dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($tz));
                                $when = $dt->format('d/m/Y, H:i');

                $u = intdiv(date_format(date_create($row['readat']), "U"), 600);
                $temp = number_format($row['temp'], 1);
                $hum = number_format($row['hum'], 1);

        $labels[$u] = "\"$when\"";

                $results[$where]['temperature'][] = $temp;
                $results[$where]['humidity'][] = $hum;


    $c = 0;
    foreach ($results as $key => $room) {
        $col = $colors[$c];
        $temp_datasets[] = "{ label: \"$key °C\",  data: [ ".implode(",", $room['temperature'])." ], borderColor: \"$col\" }";
        $hum_datasets[] = "{ label: \"$key %\", data: [ ".implode(",", $room['humidity'])." ], borderColor: \"$col\" }";

const data1 = { datasets: [ <?php echo implode(",",$temp_datasets); ?> ], labels: [<?php echo implode(",", $labels); ?>] };
const ctx1 = document.getElementById("temp").getContext("2d");
const options1 = {
  type: "line",
  data: data1,
  options: {
    elements: {
        radius: 0
const chart1 = new Chart(ctx1, options1);

const data2 = { datasets: [ <?php echo implode(",",$hum_datasets); ?> ], labels: [<?php echo implode(",", $labels); ?>] };
const ctx2 = document.getElementById("hum").getContext("2d");
const options2 = {
  type: "line",
  data: data2,
  options: {
    elements: {
        radius: 0
const chart2 = new Chart(ctx2, options2);

Temperature Chart

Graph showing temp over time in
        various rooms

Humidity Chart

Graph showing humidity over time in
        various rooms

hpr4310 :: Playing Civilization IV, Part 6

We continue our look at the mechanics of this game

Thumbnail of Ahuka
Hosted by Ahuka on Friday, 2025-02-07 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Computer games, strategy games, Civilization IV. Computer Strategy Games. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:13:33
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Civilization IV made some changes, and in this episode we look at Research, Wonders, and Great People.

hpr4309 :: Talking with Yorik

An interview with Yorik, maintainer of FreeCAD, during their pre-FOSDEM hackathon

Thumbnail of Trollercoaster
Hosted by Trollercoaster on Thursday, 2025-02-06 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
FOSS, FreecAD, FOSDEM, Hackathon. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:18:45
Download the transcription and subtitles.


  • Host welcomes Yorik to the podcast.
  • Brief mention of the hackathon and FreeCAD.

Who is Yorik?

  • Introduction of Yorik as a co-founder of FreeCAD.

The Hackathon Event

  • Discussion about the FreeCAD hackathon at the hackerspace.

FreeCAD Development & Community

  • Who is involved in the development?
  • The role of contributors in shaping FreeCAD.

FreeCAD’s Role in Open-Source CAD

  • Why FreeCAD matters in the open-source ecosystem.
  • Key features that differentiate FreeCAD from proprietary software.

Challenges in Open-Source Development

  • What are the biggest hurdles in developing FreeCAD?
  • Funding, contributions, and sustainability of FreeCAD.

Future of FreeCAD

  • Where is FreeCAD heading?
  • New features and roadmap for upcoming releases.

How to Get Involved

  • Ways to contribute to FreeCAD (coding, documentation, community support).
  • How non-programmers can help.

Closing Remarks

  • Final thoughts from Yorik.
  • How to follow FreeCAD updates and get involved in the community.



hpr4308 :: What tech Kevie would spend £2000 on

Kevie discusses what tech related things he would spend £2000 on.

Thumbnail of Kevie
Hosted by Kevie on Wednesday, 2025-02-05 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Technology, charity, causes, spending. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:11:40
Download the transcription and subtitles.

What Tech would I spend my £2000 on:

This episode took inspiration from episode 134 of the Linux Lads podcast

Pilet £295 + Pi 5 (16GB) 114.90 = £409.90

Juno Tab 3 £631.75

FairPhone 5 £599

Donations (£89.83 each):

Open Rights Group

HPR Hosting

hpr4307 :: Chat with Sgoti

Sgoti gives a quick update.

Thumbnail of Some Guy On The Internet
Hosted by Some Guy On The Internet on Tuesday, 2025-02-04 is flagged as Explicit and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
screen, wget, vox machina, bash. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:20:24
Download the transcription and subtitles.

6.7 Arrays
Bash provides one-dimensional indexed and associative array variables.

6.3. Pattern-Matching Rules

6.1 How sed Works
sed maintains two data buffers: the active pattern space, and the auxiliary hold space.

Campaign 1: Vox Machina Podcast

wget - 1.25.0

Everything curl is an extensive guide for all things curl.

Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between...

tmux is a terminal multiplexer.

hpr4306 :: HPR Community News for January 2025

Kevie, SGOTI, and Ken talk about shows released and comments posted in January 2025

Thumbnail of HPR Volunteers
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2025-02-03 is flagged as Explicit and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. HPR Community News. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:45:40
Download the transcription and subtitles.

New hosts

Welcome to our new host:

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
4283 Wed 2025-01-01 Toley bone repair MrX
4284 Thu 2025-01-02 HPR Developer Information Ken Fallon
4285 Fri 2025-01-03 What is on My Podcast Player 2024, Part 5 Ahuka
4286 Mon 2025-01-06 HPR Community News for December 2024 HPR Volunteers
4287 Tue 2025-01-07 Schedule audio recordings on the command line Kevie
4288 Wed 2025-01-08 God's Pantry Food Bank SolusSpider
4289 Thu 2025-01-09 Welcome Nuudle Some Guy On The Internet
4290 Fri 2025-01-10 Playing Civilization IV, Part 5 Ahuka
4291 Mon 2025-01-13 AM on the Nyquist Prompt Lee
4292 Tue 2025-01-14 Firefox Add-ons Reto
4293 Wed 2025-01-15 HTTrack website copier software Henrik Hemrin
4294 Thu 2025-01-16 Schedule audio recordings on the command line - A bit of fine tuning Kevie
4295 Fri 2025-01-17 Three Holiday Hacks from 2023 Ken Fallon
4296 Mon 2025-01-20 Crafting Interpreters iota
4297 Tue 2025-01-21 Let me tell you a bit about FOSDEM Trollercoaster
4298 Wed 2025-01-22 Playing a Blu-ray disk directly from Linux. SolusSpider
4299 Thu 2025-01-23 Building your own Debian images for your Raspberry Pi dnt
4300 Fri 2025-01-24 Isaac Asimov: I, Robot Ahuka
4301 Mon 2025-01-27 Wide screen, synth, e-bike, led matrix clock and jewellery making Lee
4302 Tue 2025-01-28 New Campaign Trail Playthrough Lochyboy
4303 Wed 2025-01-29 TIL two things to do with firewalld dnt
4304 Thu 2025-01-30 Travel Pouch for Cables Ahuka
4305 Fri 2025-01-31 My weight and my biases Trollercoaster

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 43 comments in total.

Past shows

There are 7 comments on 4 previous shows:

  • hpr4070 (2024-03-08) "Civilization III" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Red Orm on 2025-01-01: "hpr4070 :: Civilization III"
    • Comment 2: Kevin O'Brien on 2025-01-02: "Thank you"

  • hpr4260 (2024-11-29) "The Golden Age" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Moss Bliss on 2025-01-01: "Penguicon"
    • Comment 2: Kevin O'Brien on 2025-01-01: "Sorry to hear it"

  • hpr4274 (2024-12-19) "The Wreck - I'm alright!" by Archer72.
    • Comment 3: Annebelle on 2025-01-15: "Mark's Niece"

  • hpr4280 (2024-12-27) "Isaac Asimov: The Foundation" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Red Orm on 2025-01-01: "hpr4280 :: Isaac Asimov: The Foundation"
    • Comment 2: Kevin O'Brien on 2025-01-02: "Thank you"

This month's shows

There are 36 comments on 20 of this month's shows:

  • hpr4286 (2025-01-06) "HPR Community News for December 2024" by HPR Volunteers.
    • Comment 1: Kevin O'Brien on 2025-01-09: "Yes I did have that many books"

  • hpr4287 (2025-01-07) "Schedule audio recordings on the command line" by Kevie.
    • Comment 1: Kevie on 2025-01-07: "example radio stream"
    • Comment 2: Henrik Hemrin on 2025-01-08: "Inspiring episode"

  • hpr4288 (2025-01-08) "God's Pantry Food Bank" by SolusSpider.
    • Comment 1: Malink on 2025-01-08: "God's Food Pantry"
    • Comment 2: archer72 on 2025-01-08: "Thank you for this show"
    • Comment 3: ClaudioM on 2025-01-08: "Great Episode, SolusSpider!"
    • Comment 4: Kevin O'Brien on 2025-01-09: "Great show!"
    • Comment 5: Paulj on 2025-01-10: "Great Episode"
    • Comment 6: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2025-01-27: "Appreciation"

  • hpr4289 (2025-01-09) "Welcome Nuudle" by Some Guy On The Internet.
    • Comment 1: Trey on 2025-01-09: "Say Cheese..."

  • hpr4291 (2025-01-13) "AM on the Nyquist Prompt" by Lee.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-11: "New Ham you say"
    • Comment 2: paulj on 2025-01-13: "Thank you!"

  • hpr4292 (2025-01-14) "Firefox Add-ons" by Reto.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-11: "Great Tips"
    • Comment 2: Trey on 2025-01-14: "Hesitant about add-ons"
    • Comment 3: Reto on 2025-01-17: "in reply to Ken"

  • hpr4293 (2025-01-15) "HTTrack website copier software" by Henrik Hemrin.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-11: "Great tip"

  • hpr4294 (2025-01-16) "Schedule audio recordings on the command line - A bit of fine tuning" by Kevie.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-14: "Nice to see the progression"

  • hpr4295 (2025-01-17) "Three Holiday Hacks from 2023" by Ken Fallon.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-14: "Update after a year in the queue"

  • hpr4296 (2025-01-20) "Crafting Interpreters" by iota.
    • Comment 1: archer72 on 2025-01-19: "First show"

  • hpr4297 (2025-01-21) "Let me tell you a bit about FOSDEM" by Trollercoaster.
    • Comment 1: Trey on 2025-01-21: "Thank you for sharing."
    • Comment 2: paulj on 2025-01-28: "See you there?!"
    • Comment 3: Trollercoaster on 2025-01-31: "Thanks for the comments!"

  • hpr4298 (2025-01-22) "Playing a Blu-ray disk directly from Linux." by SolusSpider.
    • Comment 1: archer72 on 2025-01-19: "MakeMKV Beta key"

  • hpr4299 (2025-01-23) "Building your own Debian images for your Raspberry Pi" by dnt.
    • Comment 1: Reto on 2025-01-30: "Firmware blob"
    • Comment 2: dnt on 2025-01-31: "Re: Firmware blob"

  • hpr4300 (2025-01-24) "Isaac Asimov: I, Robot" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-15: "iRobot"
    • Comment 2: Stilvoid on 2025-01-27: "Great series"
    • Comment 3: Kevin O'Brien on 2025-01-27: "More to come"

  • hpr4301 (2025-01-27) "Wide screen, synth, e-bike, led matrix clock and jewellery making" by Lee.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-20: "Wasting shows - OWWW !!!"
    • Comment 2: brian-in-ohio on 2025-01-27: "avrdude"

  • hpr4302 (2025-01-28) "New Campaign Trail Playthrough" by Lochyboy.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-28: "Spam ?"

  • hpr4304 (2025-01-30) "Travel Pouch for Cables" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Trey on 2025-01-30: "Perfect timing"

  • hpr4310 (2025-02-07) "Playing Civilization IV, Part 6" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-15: "Not a gamer"
    • Comment 2: Kevin O'Brien on 2025-01-15: "Well, it is math, really"

  • hpr4311 (2025-02-10) "LoRaWAN and the Things Stack" by Lee.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-15: "Great insignt into LoRaWAN"

  • hpr4330 (2025-03-07) "GIMP: Fixing Photos" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-15: "Great Tips"

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mailing List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:

Events Calendar

With the kind permission of we are linking to The Community Calendar.

Quoting the site:

This is the community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.

hpr4305 :: My weight and my biases

A personal reflection on the ethics of AI in our society.

Thumbnail of Trollercoaster
Hosted by Trollercoaster on Friday, 2025-01-31 is flagged as Explicit and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
AI. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:52:31
Download the transcription and subtitles.


  • Greeting and Context
  • Welcome
  • Episode Overview
  • Why This Topic?
  • Ubiquity of AI
  • Ethics Matters for Builders and Hackers
  • Community Responsibility
  • Call to Exploration

Setting the Stage

  • What We’re Talking About
  • Discussion Centered on Commonly Used AI Applications
  • What We’re Not Covering
  • Historical Perspective
  • Early AI Dreams
  • Modern Realities
  • The Hacker Ethos and Why It Matters
  • Transparency and Openness
  • Ethical Frameworks
  • Empowering the Community

Transparency and Openness

  • Open Source vs. Proprietary
  • Access to Source Code:
  • Access to Weights, Biases, and Training Methods
  • Training Data
  • Sources of Data
  • Open Datasets vs. Restricted or Proprietary Data
  • Ethical Questions
  • Trade-Offs in Permission and Diversity
  • Openness vs. Misuse

Legal and Regulatory Dimensions

  • Consent & Permissions
  • Data Usage
  • Global Variations
  • Accountability
  • Liability in AI Systems
  • Corporate vs. Individual Responsibility
  • Regulatory Landscape
  • Different Approaches
  • Balancing Innovation and Control

Sustainability Concerns

  • Energy Consumption
  • Carbon Footprint of Training and Inference
  • Environmental Impact of Data Centers
  • Future Solutions
  • Efficient Models and Green Data Centers
  • Balancing Innovation with Responsibility

Bias, Fairness, and Societal Impact

  • Data Bias
  • Discriminatory Outcomes
  • Detection and Mitigation
  • Fairness in Decision-Making
  • Critical Sectors
  • Systemic Impact
  • Social Engineering & Manipulation
  • Influence on Public Opinion
  • Misinformation Risks

The Addictive Potential of AI and “AI Buddies”

  • Embedded (Often Invisibly) in Social Media
  • Subtle Integration
  • Continuous Engagement Loops
  • AI Buddies and Emotional Dependence
  • Always-On Validation
  • Emotional “Self-Indulgence”
  • AI Agents Doing the “Boring Work”
  • From Assistance to Dependency:
  • Lower Friction, Higher Usage
  • Vulnerable Users and Youth
  • Teens in Crisis
  • Shaping Self-Image
  • Design Choices That Amplify Attachment
  • Human-Like Tones and Expressions
  • Reward Systems and “Leveling Up”
  • Mitigating Risks to Mental and Social Well-Being
  • User Education
  • Ethical Product Design
  • Regulatory Oversight

Explainability and Trust

  • Transparency of Reasoning
  • Black-Box Challenge
  • Techniques to Enhance Explainability
  • Uncertainty and Confidence Scores
  • Expressing Certainty
  • Importance in Critical Applications

Military and Illicit Uses

  • PsyOps and mass manipulation
  • AI in Hacking and Phishing:
  • Automated Social Engineering and Psychological Operations (PsyOps):
  • Undermining Trust:
  • Military Applications
  • Autonomous Weapons and Surveillance
  • Ethical Implications of Lethal Autonomy

Looking Forward

  • Innovation vs. Caution
  • Striking a Balance:
  • Practical Considerations
  • Adaptive Regulation
  • Evolving Guidelines
  • Flexible Frameworks
  • Community Involvement
  • Open-Source Contributions
  • Public Debates and Awareness

Thinking like a hacker

Preamble: I am not encouraging you to engage in illegal activity. Follow your conscience, obey your curiosity. Take up your responsibility in the world. You be the judge of what that implies.

Tinker, Reverse-Engineer, and Learn

  • Explore Existing Models
  • Reverse-Engineering Proprietary Systems
  • DIY Mini-Projects

Champion Openness and Transparency

  • Contribute to Open-Source AI
  • Push for Open Weights and Data
  • Engage in Model Auditing

Think Critically About Ethics and Privacy

  • Data Collection Scrutiny
  • Privacy by Design
  • Hacker Ethos Meets Ethical AI

Collaborate and Share Knowledge

  • Participate in Hackathons and Research Sprints
  • Mentorship and Community Engagement
  • Peer Review and Cross-Pollination

Hack the Bias—Literally

  • Open Audits on Model Bias
  • Create Bias-Resistant Tools

Innovate Responsibly

  • Experimentation with Purpose
  • Sustainable Innovation

Stay Vigilant on Addictive and Manipulative Designs

  • Critical Examination
  • Propose Alternatives

Be the Watchdog—and Sound the Alarm

  • Reporting Flaws and Exploits
  • Ethical Whistleblowing

Conclusion: Challenge to Think Like a Hacker

  • Summation
  • Embrace the Hacker Ethos
  • Stay Curious, Stay Responsible
  • Final Note

hpr4304 :: Travel Pouch for Cables

I have purchased a very useful travel pouch.

Thumbnail of Ahuka
Hosted by Ahuka on Thursday, 2025-01-30 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
cable organizer, travel pouch. general. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:04:12
Download the transcription and subtitles.

This is about a travel pouch I purchased to organize my electronic cables and chargers. I have filled it with all of the cables, chargers, headphones, etc. that I might need when on the road. Now when I am packing I don't have to run around looking for cables, I only need to throw this pouch into my bag and I am ready to go. This is a real time saver, and I always have what I need.


hpr4303 :: TIL two things to do with firewalld

You can't use, and if you restart firewalld, you should restart your podman containers.

Hosted by dnt on Wednesday, 2025-01-29 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
firewalld, podman. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:08:36
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Two things I learned recently:

  1. You can't use the first and the last IP address in a /24 block.
  2. When you start a podman container, it adds a source IP address to you Trusted zone in firewalld. If you restart firewalld, your podman container becomes inaccessible.

HPR show about CIDR notation:

hpr4302 :: New Campaign Trail Playthrough

Join Alexander [Lochyboy} as he plays new campaign trail

Hosted by Lochyboy on Tuesday, 2025-01-28 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
new, campaign, trail, gaming. Computer Strategy Games. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:24:09
Download the transcription and subtitles.

In this show Lochyboy plays the game

"A backup of the current Campaign Trail Game from AmericanHistoryUSA in order to protect the game and allow for easier modding/new potential scenarios. "

This is an archive of the source code of the site for the American election simulator known as The Campaign Trail. In it, players simulate various contested elections throughout American history, making choices and answering questions in order to improve their chances at winning. The original site is rarely updated, so this backup has been made with features added for easier modding.

Previous five weeks

hpr4301 :: Wide screen, synth, e-bike, led matrix clock and jewellery making hosted by Lee

Monday, 2025-01-27. 00:21:33. Explicit. general.
displays, cycling, gaming.

Lee talks about what got his attention last year and over the new year

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4300 :: Isaac Asimov: I, Robot hosted by Ahuka

Friday, 2025-01-24. 00:18:25. Clean. Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Science fiction, Asimov, Robots.

A look at the robot stories of Isaac Asimov and the Three Laws of Robotics

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4299 :: Building your own Debian images for your Raspberry Pi hosted by dnt

Thursday, 2025-01-23. 00:10:09. Clean. general.
debian, raspberryPi.

You can build your own image for you Pi, so that it's more customized from the first boot

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4298 :: Playing a Blu-ray disk directly from Linux. hosted by SolusSpider

Wednesday, 2025-01-22. 00:05:52. Clean. general.
Blu-ray, VLC, MakeMKV, Flatpak, Flathub, Green Lantern, Nathan Fillion, Linux.

My own found solution.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4297 :: Let me tell you a bit about FOSDEM hosted by Trollercoaster

Tuesday, 2025-01-21. 00:09:11. Clean. general.
FOSDEM, FOSS, Event, Brussels.

I would like to invite you all over to Brussels to attend FOSDEM

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4296 :: Crafting Interpreters hosted by iota

Monday, 2025-01-20. 00:02:08. Clean. general.
Interpreter, Compiler.

Talk about the book Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4295 :: Three Holiday Hacks from 2023 hosted by Ken Fallon

Friday, 2025-01-17. 00:07:50. Clean. general.
IkeaHacks, diy, hardware.

Replacing the battery, swapping a fan, and getting a new desktop

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4294 :: Schedule audio recordings on the command line - A bit of fine tuning hosted by Kevie

Thursday, 2025-01-16. 00:05:18. Clean. general.
CLI, audio, streaming, radio, recording, ripping, music.

Kevie tweaks the crontab command for better results with multiple recordings

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4293 :: HTTrack website copier software hosted by Henrik Hemrin

Wednesday, 2025-01-15. 00:03:53. Clean. general.
httrack, website, software.

I use the HTTrack software to get my own copy of websites.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4292 :: Firefox Add-ons hosted by Reto

Tuesday, 2025-01-14. 00:29:23. Explicit. general.
Firefox, Webbrowser.

How to enhance the capabilities of Firefox

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4291 :: AM on the Nyquist Prompt hosted by Lee

Monday, 2025-01-13. 00:12:35. Clean. HAM radio.
lisp, nyquist, radio.

Lee experiments with amplitude modulation and learns lisp in the process

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4290 :: Playing Civilization IV, Part 5 hosted by Ahuka

Friday, 2025-01-10. 00:14:46. Clean. Computer Strategy Games.
Computer games, strategy games, Civilization IV.

We look at a new feature called Civics.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4289 :: Welcome Nuudle hosted by Some Guy On The Internet

Thursday, 2025-01-09. 00:41:30. Explicit. general.
How to make friends, 7 days, Zombies, Nuudle.

Sgoti brings a new friend to the table, kicking and screaming.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4288 :: God's Pantry Food Bank hosted by SolusSpider

Wednesday, 2025-01-08. 00:26:18. Explicit. general.
Food Bank, Kentucky, Career, Food Insecurity, Hunger.

Questions and Answers on What is a Food Bank and my 25 Year Career

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4287 :: Schedule audio recordings on the command line hosted by Kevie

Tuesday, 2025-01-07. 00:11:56. Clean. general.
CLI, audio, streaming, radio, recording, ripping, music.

Kevie talks about scheduling a recording with a Cron task using ffmpeg

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4286 :: HPR Community News for December 2024 hosted by HPR Volunteers

Monday, 2025-01-06. 01:39:18. Explicit. HPR Community News.
Community News.

HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in December 2024

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4285 :: What is on My Podcast Player 2024, Part 5 hosted by Ahuka

Friday, 2025-01-03. 00:14:15. Clean. general.

This is an update on the podcasts Ahuka listens to.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4284 :: HPR Developer Information hosted by Ken Fallon

Thursday, 2025-01-02. 00:16:03. Clean. general.
HPR Project Principles.

A set of Project Principles for those wishing to contribute code to the HPR Project

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4283 :: Toley bone repair hosted by MrX

Wednesday, 2025-01-01. 00:05:58. Explicit. general.
Repair, DIY, Outdoors, Walking.

This is a quick episode about how I repaired vintage dog walking accessory.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4282 :: Backup Power for my Gas Furnace hosted by Trey

Tuesday, 2024-12-31. 00:12:13. Clean. general.
diy, electrical, home repair.

How I modified the power connection to my forced air gas furnace to allow for backup power use

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4281 :: My ridiculously complicated DHCP setup at home hosted by Jon The Nice Guy

Monday, 2024-12-30. 00:08:00. Clean. general.
ansible, pihole, phpipam, system-administration, proxmox.

This is about how I setup my DHCP server at home

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4280 :: Isaac Asimov: The Foundation hosted by Ahuka

Friday, 2024-12-27. 00:18:10. Clean. Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Science fiction, Asimov, Foundation.

A look at Isaac Asimov and the writing of the Foundation series.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4279 :: What is on My Podcast Player 2024, Part 4 hosted by Ahuka

Thursday, 2024-12-26. 00:18:47. Clean. Podcast recommendations.

This is an update on the podcasts Ahuka listens to.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4278 :: Pi powered Christmas Tree hosted by Kevie

Wednesday, 2024-12-25. 00:14:43. Clean. general.
Christmas, RaspberryPi, Pi.

Kevie talks about setting up a LED Christmas Tree from The Pi Hut

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4277 :: Introduction episode by Paul hosted by Paulj

Tuesday, 2024-12-24. 00:08:23. Clean. general.

Paulj is a new podcast host for HPR - this is his introductory podcast.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4276 :: PWNED hosted by operat0r

Monday, 2024-12-23. 00:21:19. Explicit. general.
hacking, computers, information security.

I share how I got pwned and or allowed myself to get pwned ...

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4275 :: What is on My Podcast Player 2024, Part 3 hosted by Ahuka

Friday, 2024-12-20. 00:17:06. Explicit. Podcast recommendations.

This is an update on the podcasts Ahuka listens to.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4274 :: The Wreck - I'm alright! hosted by Archer72

Thursday, 2024-12-19. 00:16:31. Explicit. general.
car, accident, medical, prosthetics, kmag, accessibility, wifi, termux.

Archer72 talks about his car wreck and people he has met along the way.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4273 :: Improving videography with basic manual settings hosted by Trixter

Wednesday, 2024-12-18. 00:17:17. Clean. general.
photography, videography, exposure triangle.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the exposure triangle

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4272 :: Embed Mastodon Threads hosted by hairylarry

Tuesday, 2024-12-17. 00:17:17. Clean. Programming 101.
embed, mastodon, widget, php, plaintext.

I'm reconstructing the development process writing Embed Mastodon Threads

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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